E-Plan is a mobile Damage Assessment Module that works in conjunction with E-Alert. The E-Plan application provides a detailed database for local, state and federal agencies to analyze post-event damage and the impact of a disaster. E-Plan allows users to create, as well as plot, results on a Google Map. This application taps into specific map based information which includes:
- Address
- Owner
- Assessed value
- Land use code
- Historic designation
- Repetitive loss status
- Identify property inspected/restricted
With E-Plan, users have a visual record of property surveyed during the damage assessment process. Agencies are able to print completed FEMA damage assessment forms and store critical data needed for future emergencies. E-Plan also provides a Citizen Participation Module which assists agencies in responding to citizen requests during and after a disaster.
E-Plan users can store, evaluate and easily access this data on a smartphone or tablet.